IITA Partnership Opportunities
Raise brand awareness by becoming more involved in the Association!
https://www.inboundtravel.org/membership-informationBy becoming an IITA Partner, you'll not only get your message in front of the IITA Inbound Operator members, you will be a recognized leader in the inbound sector of the U.S. travel industry. Each Partner level comes with a benefits package commensurate with its investment. We work with you to select the level that is best for your organization, or we can build a customized package that's aligned with your marketing strategies.
Sustaining Member – $3,500
- (1) Complimentary Summit registration
- (1) Q&A Member Spotlight – IITA Insights e-newsletter
- Seat on the Advisory Council to provide Supplier/DMO input
- Participation in IITA Board of Directors meetings/retreats
- Photo, company/link – IITA Advisory Council page – website
- Banner ad on IITA website
- Logo recognition and introduction at the Annual Business Meeting (Summit)
* To upgrade to a Sustaining Member contact headquarters@inboundtravel.org or join here.
Foundational Partner – $7,500
- Sustaining Membership and benefits as outlined above
- Annual recognition in the IITA Inbound Insider publication (print and digital)
- 50-word description on the IITA Partner page - website
- (1) webinar sponsorship
- Quarterly ad in the IITA member e-newsletter, Insights
- Social Media recognition
- Logo recognition on Summit signage
Keystone Partner – $10,000+
- Foundational Partner package
- Ability to offer IITA memberships to members/constituents at a 25% discount.
- Monthly banner ad in IITA international buyer e-newsletter, InSite on America
- Article in IITA international buyer e-newsletter, InSite on America
- Co-sponsor of an Inbound Operator Forum
- (1) e-distribution of Partner communication to IITA membership