What is IITA?

The International Inbound Travel Association (IITA) is the nonprofit trade association for international inbound travel to the United States. IITA members include U.S. inbound operators, DMOs (destination marketing organizations) and suppliers (accommodations, transportation, attractions, restaurants, etc.) from across the country.

IITA inbound operators (also known as receptive tour operators or DMCs - destination management companies) are U.S.-based companies that market and sell USA travel products to international travel buyers, including tour operators, wholesalers, travel agents and other travel producers. IITA inbound operators provide a variety of travel services throughout the U.S. for group, FIT (foreign independent travelers), and MICE (meetings, incentive conferences and exhibitions) markets. A tour operator shall be considered an inbound operator when the majority of its revenue is derived from inbound international travel to the United States.


Gain insider knowledge through education and training, newsletters, our  magazine and  more!

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Make meaningful connections with other members at our annual Summit and events.

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Advocate for inbound travel needs with  government officials and industry leaders.

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Meet trusted partners who understand your business and support the inbound industry. 

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IITA’s mission is to grow inbound travel to the USA by providing the best and widest range of product, services and information to the international travel trade.


A look back to move forward

Beginning as the Receptive Services Association (RSA) in1991, the association was formed to bring together all the major receptive tour operators and suppliers in the New York and New Jersey region. As a result of continuing interest and growth from across the country, RSA grew into a national organization.

Ever expanding its reach and influence, RSA joined forces with the International Travel Services Association (ITSA) to form the Receptive Services Association of America (RSAA) in September 2004. ITSA was formed and founded, similarly, in 1993, by receptive tour operators and destination management companies in Florida.

In 2016, the organization rebranded to become the International Inbound Travel Association (IITA) to reinforce the focus on international travel to the USA and embrace all inbound operators as business models evolve. The rebrand resulted in a stronger, united voice for the sector to address government and industry issues, enhanced and targeted education and training, and networking opportunities with leading inbound business partners.

Today, IITA is involved in a wide range of industry activities, working with suppliers, DMOs, industry organizations and regulatory agencies to improve the quality of travel related services for visitors to the U.S. IITA continues to address economic and public policy issues affecting tourism in collaboration with its members, partners and the industry at large.

More than ever, IITA serves as the bridge to international inbound business and is committed to serving the needs of its members and to advancing the industry as a whole.


Code of Ethics

As a member of the International Inbound Travel Association, my company and its representatives will…

  • educate our management and staff to effectively operate business partnerships with fellow members,
  • be guided in all of our activities by truth, accuracy, fairness and integrity,
  • honor all our commitments to fellow members, clients and partners
  • avoid business practices which could be damaging to fellow members,
  • avoid activities which would create a conflict of interest, and encourage high professional standards of service and conduct by our management and staff.