The way of the future for inbound travel will be through seamless connectivity among travel organizations. IITA leadership made a commitment in its strategic planning to provide education and resources on connectivity to ensure members are keeping up with today’s demands and understanding the benefits of interoperability.
Connectivity Committee A recent IITA Committee took on the task of exploring connectivity technologies and identifying common tech terms. Their goal was to help IITA members prepare for business with a better understanding of the benefits and opportunities of connectivity with their business partners. See their "one-pager" for more information.
Glossary Learn the proper Connectivity Terms to understand and communicate what your business needs in today's world of rapidly advancing technology. It helps to speak the same language as your tech partners to ensure that what you get is what you actually wanted.
Tech Webinars
Watch recordings of Technology and Travel Distribution webinars address the why, what and how of technology as it relates specifically to inbound travel. Expert speakers and panels discuss the advantages of hybrid travel distribution models and how they work to the benefit of both parties.