NTTO: Record-Setting International Visitor Spending in November
Date postedJanuary 23, 2025
Data recently released by the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) show that in November:
- International visitors spent a record-setting $21.8 billion on travel to, and tourism-related activities within, the United States during the month of November, an increase of nearly 9 percent compared to November 2023.
- Conversely, Americans spent $21.3 billion traveling abroad during November, yielding a $435 million balance of trade surplus for travel and tourism-related goods and services.
- International visitors spent nearly $231.6 billion on U.S. travel and tourism-related goods and services January through November, an increase of 13 percent when compared to 2023; international visitors injected, on average, $693 million a day into the U.S. economy in the same period.
- U.S. travel and tourism exports accounted for 22.7 percent of U.S. services exports during November and 8 percent of all U.S. exports, goods and services alike.
- Purchases of travel and tourism-related goods and services by international visitors totaled $12.3 billion during November (compared to $11.2 billion in November 2023), an increase of nearly 10 percent. These goods and services include food, lodging, recreation, gifts, entertainment, local transportation in the U.S., and other items incidental to foreign travel.
- Travel receipts accounted for 57 percent of total U.S. travel and tourism exports in November.
In October 2024, International Visitor Arrivals totaled 6.2 million, an increase of 4.2 percent compared to October 2023. Outbound Travel Departures by U.S. Citizens Totaled 8,427,611 in October 2024, an Increase of +11.9 Percent Compared to October 2023.
- The largest number of international visitor arrivals was from Canada (1,581,338), Mexico (1,477,146), the United Kingdom (428,256), Germany (226,462), and France (185,129). Combined, these top 5 source markets accounted for 62.8 percent of total international arrivals.
- Of the top 20 tourist generating countries, Canada (-4.3 percent), South Korea (-4.4 percent), Spain (-3 percent), Australia (-3.4 percent), Switzerland (-2.4 percent), and Ecuador (-8.2 percent) reported a decrease in visitor volume in October compared to October 2023.
- The top 5 overseas tourism arrivals for October were the United Kingdom (428,256), Germany (226,462), France (185,129), Brazil (172,245), and India (154,500).
- The top 5 overseas business arrivals for October were the United Kingdom (59,237), India (41,332), Japan (30,446), Germany (29,743), and China (19,677).
- The top 5 overseas student arrivals for October were China (8,387), India (7,379), South Korea (2,365), Brazil (1,481), and Taiwan (1,375).